Sunday, June 27, 2021
- Maine Legislature: Public Law 366, approved by the Governor June 24th, amends the Maine Human Rights Act to, in part, add “familial status” as a protected class in employment and list “gender identity” as a standalone protected class instead of a subcategory of “sexual orientation”
- Maine Legislature: Public Law 348, “An Act To Discontinue the Use of the Terms ‘Handicap,’ ‘Handicapped’ and ‘Hearing Impaired’ in State Laws, Rules and Official Documents,” was signed by the Governor on June 24th
- Maine Legislature: Public Law 337, “An Act To Provide for Remote Notarization,” signed by the Governor on June 24th, continues the effect of Executive Order 37 FY 19/20 as amended by Executive Order 37-A FY 19/20
- Maine Legislature: Public Law 301, signed by the Governor on June 21st, lifts all statutes of limitations for actions based upon sexual acts toward minors regardless of the date of the sexual act and regardless of whether the statute of limitations on such actions expired prior to its effective date
- EEOC: New technical assistance document, “Protections Against Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity,” provides, in part, that ¶ 10, “if an employer has separate bathrooms, locker rooms, or showers for men and women, all men (including transgender men) should be allowed to use the men’s facilities and all women (including transgender women) should be allowed to use the women’s facilities”
- HUD: Press release announces that the US Department of Housing and Urban Development will publish in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking entitled, “Restoring HUD’s Discriminatory Effects Standard,” which proposes to rescind the Department’s 2020 disparate impact rule and restore the 2013 discriminatory effects rule
- HUD: New rule published, “Restoring Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Definitions and Certifications”
- MHRC: Minutes of June 14th Commission meeting reflect that the Commission continues to operate mostly remotely per the Governor’s order to continue doing so until July 1
- MHRC: July 19th Commission Meeting Agenda posted